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Imagegrafik Bones

Sales and Distribution

Bones products are sold exclusively through our dealer network. In the list below you will find our dealers sorted by country.
Schlosshofer Strasse 6, A-1210 Wien
Tel +43 1 2788333
office@videbis.at | www.videbis.at
Fonteinstraat 42, B-3050 Oud-Heverlee
Tel +32 16 387270, Fax +32 16 353144
info@integra-belgium.be | www.integra-belgium.be

Vlamingveld 8, B-8490 Jabbeke
Tel +32 50 394949, Fax +32 50 394946
info@sensotec.be | www.sensotec.be
1821 Rue de Sienne, Laval, Quebec H7M 3K9, Canada
Tel +1 800 304-1515, Fax +1 855 304-1515
info@cecitech.com | www.cecitech.com
Fabers Høreteknik A/S
Hjælpemidler for Handicappede A/S
Grøndalsvej 8, DK-8832 Skals
Tel +45 9895 4244, Fax +45 9895 4224
hfh@synsnerven.dk | www.synsnerven.dk

Instrulog Reha A/S
Bjerringbrovej 116, DK-2610 Rødovre
Tel +45 44 979477, Fax +45 44 975457
hej@instrulog.dk | www.instrulog.dk
*Instrulog supports direct repair service

MyEyes ApS
Ostre Alle 6, DK-9530 Støvring
Tel +45 71 99 69 65
info@myeyes.dk | www.myeyes.dk

Butik KIK
Blekinge Boulevard 2, 2630 Taastrup. Denmark
Tel +45 3646 1960, Fax.+45 3646 1925
salg@butikkik.dk | www.butikkik.dk
170, rue Raymond Losserand, F-75014 Paris
Tel +33 1 434402-02, Fax +33 1 342960-27
relation.client@accessolutions.fr | www.accessolutions.fr

5 Rue Duroc, F-75343 Paris Cedex 07
Tel +33 1 444927-37, Fax +33 1 444927-10
avh@avh.asso.fr | www.avh.asso.fr
*AVH supports direct repair service

31 cours des Juilliottes, F-94700 Maisons-Alfort
Tel +33 1 43621462 , Fax +33 1 43621460
service.commercial@ceciaa.com | www.ceciaa.com

112 rue principale, F-67440 Schwenheim
Tel +33 3 88 01 24 55
info@cflou.com.com | www.cflou.com

33 chemin des Avoux, F-01120 Dagneux
Tel +33 4 726970-80, Fax +33 4 726970-81
info@cimis.fr | www.cimis.fr
Blinden-und-Sehbehinderten-Verband Sachsen e.V.
Landeshilfsmittelzentrum LHZ Dresden, Louis-Braille-Strasse 6, D-01099 Dresden
Tel +49 351 80906-24, Fax +49 351 80906-27
lhz@bsv-sachsen.de | www.lhz-sachsen.de

Deutscher Hilfsmittelvertrieb gem. GmbH (DHV)
Bleekstraße 26, D-30559 Hannover
Tel +49 511 95465-0, Fax +49 511 95465-85
info@deutscherhilfsmittelvertrieb.de | www.deutscherhilfsmittelvertrieb.de
*DHV supports direct repair service

fluSoft GbR
Tannenstrasse 2, 01099 Dresden
Tel +49 351 40457-0, Fax +49 351 40457-77
info@flusoft.de | www.flusoft.de

Biegenstrasse 27, D-35037 Marburg
Tel. +49 6421 3895380, Fax +49 6421 3895390
info@gaudio-braille.de | www.gaudio-braille.de
*Gaudio-Braille supports direct repair service

Würzburger Straße 8 A, D-30880 Laatzenr
Tel.: +49 511 936309-0, Fax: +49 511 936309-19
post@ipd.gmbh | www.ipd.gmbh
*IPD supports direct repair service

Ludwig Becker GmbH
Rotenhainer Strasse 9, D-57647 Enspel
Tel +49 2661 9173211, Fax +49 2661 9173166
info@l-becker.de | www.l-becker.de

Marland GmbH
Zollenreuterstraße 6, D-88326 Aulendorf
Tel +49 7525 9205-0, Fax +49 7525 9205-19
info@marland.de | bestellung@marland.de | www.marland.de

PABS - Hilfsmittel für Blinde und Sehbehinderte
Pommernweg 22, D-35039 Marburg
Tel +49 6421 8090912
info@pabs-online.de | www.pabs-online.de
*PABS supports direct repair service

Talweg 2, D-58239 Schwerte
Tel +49 2304 205 0, Fax +49 2304 205 205
info@papenmeier.de | www.papenmeier.de

Rohrmüller Computer/Reha-Technik
Wittelsbacherstrasse 7, D-94377 Steinach
Tel +49 9428 902020 Fax +49 9428 902030
info@rohrmueller-computer.de | www.rohrmueller-computer.de

TFA Technik Für Alle
Menkestrasse 7, D-49076 Osnabrück
Tel +49 541 507979-0 Fax +49 541 507979-99
info@technik-fuer-alle.de | www.technik-fuer-alle.de
*TFA supports direct repair service

Warthestrasse 21, D-14513 Teltow
Tel +49 3328 3537-20, Fax +49 3328 3537-22
info@vistac.de | www.vistac.de
*VISTAC supports direct repair service

2of1 GbR
Gartenstrasse 8, D-54317 Gusterath
Tel +49 6588 8283965 Fax +49 6588 8283966
info@2-of-1.de | www.2-of-1.de

The Center for the Blind in Israel
10 David Hachmi Street, Tel-Aviv 67778
Tel +972 3 7915536, Fax +972 3 7915563
info@ibcu.org.il | www.ibcu.org.il
Blindenzentrum St. Raphael
Schiessstandweg 36, I-39100 Bozen
Tel +39 471 442-399 - Fax +39 471 442-300
info@blindenzentrum.bz.it | http://www.blindenzentrum.bz.it

Blu Soc Coop Sociale
Via A.Grandi 47, I-42027 Montecchio Emilia (RE)
Tel +39 522 875747
info@coopblu.it | www.coopblu.it

Leonardo Ausilionline S.r.l.
Via Nobel 88, I-42124 REGGIO EMILIA
Tel +39 51 0516600, Fax +39 51 0821223
staff@leonardoausili.com | www.leonardoausili.com

Società Cooperativa Sociale Onlus - Centro Italiano Tiflotecnico
Piazza dei Peruzzi 1, I-73100 LECCE
Tel +39 832 241212, Fax +39 832 252428
mailto:cit@centroitalianotiflotecnico.it | http://www.centroitalianotiflotecnico.it
Amedia Corp.
Akiyama No.10 Bldg. 1F, 1-15-6 Toyotamakami, Nerima-ku, Tokyo 176-0011 Japan
Tel +81-3-6915-8597, Fax +81-3-3994-7177
Kosovo, Albania, North Macedonia, Serbia, Montenegro
Virtual Assistants Group
Rr. Hajrullah Abdullahu nr.108 1-4, 10 000 Prishtine, Kosovo
Tel +383 49 30 90 60
info@virast.org | www.virast.org
Lux Basse Vision
48 Rue du Dix Octobre, L-7243 Bereldange
Tel +352 691271930
luxbassevision@gmail.com | www.luxbassevision.lu
The Netherlands
Optelec Nederland B.V.
Breslau 4, NL-2993 LT Barendrecht
Tel +31 88 6783-555, Fax +31 88 6783-500
sales@optelec.nl | www.optelec.nl

Van Heemstraweg 46b, NL-6658 KH Beneden-Leeuwen
Tel +31 487 595-654, Fax +31 487 595-655
info@slechtziend.nl | www.slechtziend.nl

Worldwide Vision
Luxemburgstraat 7, NL-5061 JW Oisterwijk
Tel +31 13 5285-666, Fax +31 13 5285-688
info@worldwidevision.nl | www.worldwidevision.nl
Adaptor Hjelpemidler AS
Sporveisgata 10, N-0354 Oslo
Tel +47 23 2155-55, Fax +47 23 2155-51
hjelpemidler@adaptor.no | www.adaptor.no
ALTIX Sp. z o. o.
Ul. Modlinska 246C, PL-03-152 Warszawa
Tel +48 22 676-9095, Fax +48 22 676-5822
altix@altix.pl | www.altix.pl

MEDISON - Wojciech Maj
ul. Wincentego Witosa 18, PL-25-561 Kielce
Tel +48 41 341 7000, Fax +48 41 368 6836
wojciech.maj@medison.info | www.medison.info
Electrosertec Lda
Rua Barao de Sabrosa, 165-B, P-1900-088 Lisboa
Tel +351219435183
info@sertec.pt | www.sertec.pt
Iris Hjälpmedel AB
Sandsborgsvägen 52, S-122 33 Enskede
Tel +46 8 3994-00
info@irishjalpmedel.se | www.irishjalpmedel.se | Webshop www.irishjalpmedel.se
*Iris supports direct repair service
Schweizerischer Zentralverein für das Blindenwesen SZB
Fachstelle Hilfsmittel, Niederlenzer Kirchweg 1, CH-5600 Lenzburg
Tel +41 62 88828-70, Fax +41 62 88828-77
hilfsmittel@szblind.ch | www.szblind.ch

Bösch 82, CH-6331 Huenenberg
Tel +41 41 783 00 80, Fax +41 41 783 00 81
info@gleichcom.ch | www.gleichcom.ch

Via S. Gottardo 49, CH-6598 Tenero
Tel +41 91 735 69 00
info@unitas.ch | www.unitas.ch

ONCE-CTI Centro de Tiflotecnologia e Innovacion
Camino de Homigueras No. 172., E-28031 Madrid
Tel +34 910 109111, Fax +34 91 7097777
cidat@once.es | www.once.es
*ONCE supports direct repair service
United Kingdom
Computer Room Services
77 Exeter Close Stevenage, Hertfordshire, SG1 4PW, United Kingdom
Tel +44 1438 742286, Fax +44 1438 759589
steve@comproom.co.uk | www.comproom.co.uk
Independent Living Aids inc.
137 Rano Rd, Buffalo, NY 14207
Tel +1 800 537 2118, Fax +1 561 937 3906
service@independentliving.com | www.independentliving.com

145 River Rock Drive Buffalo, NY 14207
Tel +1 716 348 3500, Fax +1 716 873 3848
info@lssproducts.com | www.lssproducts.com

Maxi-Aids Inc
42 Executive Blvd, Farmingdale, NY 11735
Tel +1 800 522 6294, Fax +1 631 752 0689

Perkins Products
37 Fifield Street, Watertown, MA 02472
Tel +1 617 972 7308, Fax +1 617-926-2027
PerkinsProducts@Perkins.org | www.perkinsproducts.org